Informal Network of Voluntary Organizations and associations of
Citizens Society of Thessaloniki
Who we are
- Thess-Diktio is the informal Network of Voluntary Organizations and associations of the Civil Society of Citizens and was created in Thessaloniki in 2011. Thess-diktio is the first attempt of the organizations of Thessaloniki who have active networks of volunteers, to create a body with the following tasks :
To achieve the participation of the town's organizations regardless of their legal form, their main goal, their magnitude or the years of activity of each organization,
To meet the activities and operation of the rest organizations,
Exchange of good practices,
Awareness of relevant societal matters,
Take initiatives for common acts - interventions in town,
Networking on local,regional and European level.
What is thessdiktio
- Thess-diktio does not substitute the organizations that are active in the town, nor aspires to play the role of a federation or some official platform of representation.
Thess-diktio is an initiative that prioritizes volunteerism, active participation of citizens to public affairs as well as to project the issues the organizations who are active to these fields are facing.
The members of the Network do not have political affiliations, racist, xenophobic and dogmatic behavior and have common ground of respect and acceptance of others, respect on human rights, inclusion, collaboration and solidarity.
Thess-diktio collaborates with local actors and organizes social acts in town. The Network has been the basic partner of the municipality of Thessaloniki during the claim of the title of «European Capital of Youth of 2014» and during the implementation of the programme of activities of the campaign ,has aided the societal struggles of the town, support social institutions and demands and is present as part of committees of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Contact us
Thessdiktio is open to organizations which want to be a part of our team as well as volunteers who want to offer volunteering work and participate in our activities. You can contact us or you can address directly the organizations - members you are interested in.