Operation of the network

The network is an informal organization.The philosophy, the goals, the way of operation, representation and the decision making has been specified within the process of consent and discussions. As a result Thessdiktio has its own statute of operation.

Decision Making

The highest body in the organization is the General Assembly of its members, that when summoned decides about the current issues. They meet
regularly on a monthly basis from September to June. No meeting in July and August unless there is a serious issue.
Every two years, in February, there is an election for a new Coordination Committee for the best function of the network.

They prepare the current tasks and then present them to the monthly General Assembly. The Coordination Committee consists of 5 members : the Coordinator, the Substitute Coordinator, Treasurer and 2 members. The members can back up
candidates as long as its only one from each organization.Any member who has paid
its annual fee has the right to be a candidate in the elections. Whoever is a candidate will have to be present in the meetings
and to handle any type of loose ends.

The meetings take place in different offices or meeting places so the members can have the opportunity to get to know each other better and discuss future synergies and activities.

In the beginning of each month an agenda with the current topics is sent electronically giving them the opportunity to bring other matters in.

The person who is responsible for keeping the records of all the meetings inform the members and keep all the correspondence in between.